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How do you write a search in the Content Ideas Generator?
How do you write a search in the Content Ideas Generator?

Get the most out of your searches in the Content Ideas Generator

Matthew Rayson avatar
Written by Matthew Rayson
Updated over 2 years ago

Here's a TL;DR of all the searches you can do in the Content Ideas Generator:

  1. Enter a broad keyword

  2. Enter a niche keyword – but expect some idea gaps

  3. Use the "Related topics" feature to get keyword search ideas

  4. Find ideas for multiple topics by combining broad keywords using "OR"

  5. Find exact match content ideas by putting a keyword in quote marks

  6. Remove non-relevant content ideas by excluding keywords


Searching in the Content Ideas Generator is as easy as entering a keyword.

To get as many ideas as possible, try to keep your searches broad.

You can do more niche or advanced searches, but be aware that not all ideas features will populate.

For example, if not enough questions have been asked on forums around your niche topic, you will see there are no results.

Or, if you do an advance search and combine keywords using the word “OR”, Popular keywords this month will not populate.



Build a search with related topic keywords

Make sure to use the “Related topics” beneath the search bar to fuel your searches.

You can also combine these keywords, as you saw above.

Just separate them with the word “OR” to build out a broader search.


Here’s a bit more detail on the advanced searches you can use in the Content Ideas Generator:

  • Default operator

AND is our default operator: apple juice will become apple AND juice if it isn't placed within quote marks.

  • Search for an exact match

Get more specific search results by putting a word or phrase inside quotes. For example, "apple juice".

  • Exclude words from your search

Put - in front of a word you want to leave out. For example, apple -juice.

  • Combine searches

Put "OR" between each search query. This type of search works best for broad keywords. For example, apples OR oranges.

  • Combine OR searches

Use parentheses to combine two OR searches. This type of search works best for broad keywords. For example, (big data OR data analysis) AND (politics OR economics) . Example 2: (election) AND (politics OR economics)

Let us know via live chat if you have any other questions related to searching in the Content Ideas Generator, and we'll make sure we update this article with the answers.

For more ideas on how to get the most out of the Content Ideas Generator, check out our blog: 15 Things You Can Do With BuzzSumo’s Content Ideas Generator

Or if you've yet to start using it, sign up for a 30-day free trial and start generating your own ideas.

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