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Is the Chrome Extension free?
Is the Chrome Extension free?
Matthew Rayson avatar
Written by Matthew Rayson
Updated over 7 months ago

BuzzSumo’s Chrome Extension can be used for free via our free trial.

If you are on a free trial, you will get 100 searches in BuzzSumo.

You may incur some limitations to BuzzSumo's Chrome Extension during your free trial. For example, you will only see performance data appended to search results in positions 1-3.

Once your free trial has ended, you will be able to purchase different levels of access to the Chrome Extension depending on the plan you choose.

Here’s a breakdown of the Chrome Extension features by pricing plan:

What it looks like

Plans with access

Blog and article analysis

A screenshot of the blog performance metrics available in BuzzSumo's Chrome Extension

SERP analysis

A screenshot of BuzzSumo's Chrome Extension content performance metrics appended to search results.

Twitter profile analysis

Screenshot of BuzzSumo's Chrome Extension for Twitter profiles, showcasing Twitter statisitics, and article statistics of journalists and influencers

Facebook page and post analysis

A screenshot of BuzzSumo's Chrome Extension for Facebook profiles, showcasing Facebook engagement metrics and trends over time

Instagram page and post analysis

A screenshot of BuzzSumo's Chrome Extension for Instagram profiles, showcasing Instagram engagement metrics

Not the BuzzSumo Chrome Extension you know? We have updated our wildly popular V1 Chrome Extension, used by over 50,000 marketers, to bring you more data, more insights, and more opportunities. If you still use our old chrome extension, check out our FAQs here.

To find out exactly what you can do with the Chrome Extension, read our full guide to BuzzSumo's Chrome Extension here.

If you have any other questions about BuzzSumo’s Chrome Extension, just reach out to us via our in-app chat.

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